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Why use Venn Health?

Updated: Jan 24, 2023

It's an important question and one we are always keen to answer. So here’s 9 reasons why you should choose Venn Health when you’re looking for someone to support your GP practice, Primary Care Networks, GP Federations, or commissioning organisation.

  1. We are not reliant on the skills and knowledge of just one person. We are a team of six, with varied healthcare backgrounds and a broad extensive knowledge. Our skills include primary care management, commissioning, service delivery, education and service transformation.

  2. Venn Health is an independent agency. We are small, flexible and develop solutions for your own specific challenges.

  3. We have credible reputations across local healthcare systems. Relationships and reputations are vital to us so we work hard to ensure these are built on trust and strong across professions and organisations.

  4. Our products and services are effective and high quality. We deliver realistic, achievable solutions and engaging programs that will inspire and motivate you and your team. We are committed to providing solutions that improve staff and patient experience and we can provide start to end support.

  5. We will provide a new and independent perspective. One that will encourage new ideas and thinking, and help you challenge the status quo where your existing relationships make it difficult.

  6. You need some extra capacity. We are someone you can trust to assess, plan or implement so you can stay in control of the day to day operational work. We can continue to work with you until change is embedded into business as usual.

  7. We provide you with a different skill set. That might include facilitation, strategic insight, problem solving or education, and always supporting you to respond to changes and operate more effectively.

  8. We can help improve your skills and those of your team. Through working with you the skills and knowledge of your team will improve, increasing your capability to manage change and leadership projects and allowing you to continue to develop in the future.

  9. We ensure you learn from best practice Our wider network means we see what is happening elsewhere, what are the common themes and the effective solutions. We allow you to hear, learn, improve on and implement the best of what is successful elsewhere.

All through February we invite you to arrange a call to tell us about your challenges. We'll then share our ideas of the best way to overcome these. No charge, and no obligation, it could be the best 30 minutes of your time next month.

Tell us the day and time you'd like a Teams call



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