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Venn Health 2023

The start of the year is always a time to take stock and make new plans, and at Venn Health we have done just that at our own ‘Away Day’.

It was time together to consider our vision and strategy, and what Venn Health can expect in 2023 and what we should be doing this year. It was a hugely valuable day that helped us create our plans for the next 12 months.

Having recently shared our thoughts on what primary care can expect, and should do in 2023, we want to share our thoughts and own plans for 2023.

What do we expect in 2023

Throughout this last year, a consistent theme has been supporting practices struggling with a single issue. The issues have often varied, but what has been consistent is that it’s often a symptom of bigger issues signalling greater change is required.

We expect this will be growing trend with a greater number of practices seeking help with problems, which in fact signal deeper issues.

Facilitating PCNs and practices with ‘Away Days’ and their plans has also featured highly. While always popular and successful, the challenge primary care has is turning the plans into reality when it has no time to stop, think and make changes.

As the need for change and collaboration in primary care accelerates, and the time and resources to do it diminishes, we expect a growing number of PCNs will need support, not just with planning but also implementation.

What we’ll be doing in 2023

This is going to be the year of sustainable primary care…the time for sustainable general practice has passed.

We’ll continue to provide the support where it’s felt to be needed, but we will focus more on building sustainability in primary care.

We’ll share and educate on what sustainable primary care means and create the programs, and deliver the support to achieve it.

We’ve increased our team and our capacity to support primary care.

We’ll build new relationships with partners with complimentary offerings and who share our passion for primary care

In March we’ll be launching a free monthly webinar for primary care managers and leaders

In a year when more than any other, primary care needs to change, we’re making sure we can provide the support that is needed.

Why not arrange a call for an informal chat about the support you need



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