Primary Care and the wider NHS is in the worst position it's ever been in. Crisis, chaos and collapse are consistently used to describe the situation. So as we start a New Year we asked the team at Venn Health what they thought 2023 would look like for primary care and what primary care should be doing.
This is the second part of those two questions.

What should primary care do in 2023
The Venn Health Team certainly don’t feel all is lost for primary care. They had a number of positive suggestions for actions that could be taken. Amongst these there were three that we feel stand out;
“Create an environment in which people want to work!”
“If we act alone we will drown and if we work together we can survive and eventually prosper.”
“It’s your business! You have more power than you realise to change and improve things. Don’t wait to be told what to do.”
There were a variety of suggestions of positive steps that primary care could take.
Look for every improvement you can, however small.
“Reduce duplication and be involved in the planning of services.”
“Look for every little improvement and efficiency you can find, and make these a reality.”
Collaboration will be required but primary care must recognise how important this is for its own success and survival.
“Collaborate with your wider primary care partners, think differently and innovate.”
“Primary care should strive to provide more integrated care, allowing providers to work more closely with other healthcare professionals and services to achieve better health outcomes.”
“Primary Care and GP surgeries in particular can no longer be siloed in their thinking and must work collectively within their PCNs to put forward constructive ideas that the ICB can fund. If they also seek to build relationships with others within their Localities e.g. the VCSE sector, there may be ways to reduce the individual burden and spread the load.”
The new NHS is still taking shape and primary care needs to make sure it has a role in what their future will look like.
“Make your voice heard and have influence where it can benefit you and your patients.”
“Become active system partners and leaders”
Maximise the use of technology to deliver improvements.
“Primary care services providers should be encouraged to use technology to improve communication and access to care.”
“Adopt and maximise the benefits of new technology.”
Focus on education and prevention.
“Primary care providers should focus on patient education and self-management of their health, and strive to improve access to services and reduce health disparities.”
We know primary care is in a place where the problems are complex and overwhelming. We also believe that all is not lost and that there are solutions, changes and improvements are available.
Sometimes, a little help is needed to find them at make them work,