NHS Dental Service
Commissioning Support
A comprehensive approach to designing and developing NHS dental services.
Access to NHS dental services is currently a hot topic across the country with ICBs facing significant challenges on how best to develop these services to meet the needs of their population whilst dealing with other demands and pressures across health and care services. In March 2023, already stretched ICBs had to take on the commissioning arrangements for these services, along with other primary care services, without dedicated expertise and resources. There are a range of issues for commissioners to grapple with including contract hand backs and risks to existing unspent funding. So where does a commissioner start to try and address this problem?
We have a dedicated service transformation team that is able to support commissioners with a range of services specifically designed to address this problem. Our team is made up of NHS healthcare professionals with a broad range of experience and skills, that combined are able to offer a broad approach.
Our Approach includes
Comprehensive Service Review
We conduct an in-depth review of existing services and contracts. This is followed by an analysis of local population health needs, ensuring that solutions are data-driven and tailored to local communities.
Development of a Strategic Commissioning Plan
Based on findings, we will work with you to develop a commissioning plan with recommendations on services required to meet the population needs. These are designed to enhance existing delivery, through conducting a gap analysis, and address currently challenges and service demand.
Implementation Support
We don’t just provide an implementation plan, we assist teams through every step of the process, ensuring seamless support towards commissioning and contracting the right service for the population. We also support you with a communication plan to provide you with the necessary strategy to communicate the additional value being delivered.
By the end of this process, commissioners will have:
• A clear understanding of the capability and needs of existing services
• A plan to address gaps and improve access by commissioning effectively
• Transformed, improved dental services to meet the needs of their patients
• Monitoring and evaluation plans to ensure that services are delivering to expectation
• A communications plan and associated materials
If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, contact us for a free, confidential consultation and find out how we can make a difference.